The humbolts follow the warm water where the Albacore roam. Great bait and really great on the BBQ with chili sauce. This one is pretty small.. some of them can be SIX FEET LONG. Pretty bad video since it was at night, but these squid are really cool. They are super aggressive and have been known to try to eat divers.
A certain Captain *lost* at least 2 gigs of albacore video off the SD cards from this season. Well he's been busy and we're pretty sure either it got some bacon drippings on it so could well be the dog ate it or maybe baby Hannah munched it down .. we're checking the diapers. Like Capt Tyler said " F*ing things need to be 5" square like the good old days" -- true but the cam would also be 10 inches wide and weigh 30 lbs!!
Still managed to cull some off internal memory all CSI:Langlois on yer arse :) Here is Burt pulling a few
Ok this is just a tester. Was thinking of compressing the whole season into one vid old school projector style, but it looks a lot better on the comp than it does on the you tube. *shrug* Its hard to edit pot after pot and make it interesting :)
We put the helmet cam down in the hold for a closeup. Next time we'll shine a flashlight in there so you can see more. Props to those deadliest catch guys.. video ain't easy!