Typical Day on F/V Harvester. We went out off Bandon Oregon, found the Albacore and brought some in. Then gave a hand to F/V Robert Henry -- they were in some trouble and asked for some starting fluid. Then more fishing and then off-load at Charleston. Capt. Tyler went and got a gopro so this was our first try with it.
We'll have some more soon!
Click the HD option to watch in full screen .. the gopro did a good job
Capt. Tyler and the boys finally got on the tuna after rough weather and a late albacore run. We *finally* have fresh canned tuna available and will soon have our pouched fillets for sale right here:
Here is another jumper school. You can see the birds picking off the bait fish the tuna are eating. That's what we're looking for on the ocean late in Albacore season.
Just a quick video of a jumper school in action. Late in the season Albacore Tuna school up and do a lot of jumping. That's how we find them to fish --